Enemy aviation based in cities may inflict critical damage and prevent your attacks. There are several techniques
for destroying or neutralizing enemy aviation:
1. The easiest way to protect units from bombardments by enemy aviation/attack copters is to
recruit an Anti-Air Track (or Pteroshield) unit and hide offensive units under the shield. This is a passive defense which doesn’t threaten enemy aviation and the shield protects units
in 6 adjacent hexes. However, an Anti-Air unit may be used as offensive weapon to block enemy bombers and copters.
Enemy aviation is based in an unguarded city (a common mistake for inexperienced players). To destroy the Bombers you will have to move your unit into the city. This can be done effectively by Land Transports or Copters. Keep in mind that Land Transports/Copters can be easily destroyed by Bombers before they reach the city - that’s why you should prepare more than one Land Transport/Copter or offload Land Transports from a Naval Transport. A land unit like an Amphibian or a Tank loaded into a Land Transport increases the operational range of this kind of Bomber-killer Land Transport.
Enemy aviation is based in a guarded city. In this case, naturally, you first have to destroy the city’s guards. Of course, this sort of thing can only be done if there aren’t too many city guards. Another problem might be Guerrillas appearing after the invasion. These two problems can be solved only by a really MASSIVE invasion. Try to prepare a couple of transports packed with land troops, move them and then unload them simultaneously, surrounding the city and its defenders. Keep up the blockade while picking off adjacent units. The city will soon fall. Don’t forget that an occupied capital cannot be entered until the turn following destruction of its garrison. If for some reason there are no Guerrillas available, these tactics of massive invasion and surrounding the city have a much greater chance of success. Remember that empty Land Transports can also be used for blocking the city or approaching enemy reinforcements - such a sacrifice can ! gain a couple of vital turns.
Enemy aviation is based in Neutral territory or in your Disclosed Ally in a guarded city. When you invade this type of country your enemy will not be able to raise Guerillas, so feel free to cross the borders thus depriving the enemy of Revenue. In order to speed up the process of capturing the capital, try to encircle all enemy units around the city and block all paths for possible retreat. Also you need to take care of possible enemy reinforcements and don’t let them sneak into the capital.
Enemy aviation is based in an unguarded city in your Secret Ally. If the city is not guarded, just disclose the Secret Ally and place the cheapest unit into the city, and the enemy Bombers will be immediately destroyed. It is always very tempting to destroy three enemy Bombers in one blow, however, bear in mind that after such disclosure the enemy can recapture this country and collect the Indemnity.
Enemy aviation is based in your Secret Ally in a guarded city:
- If the opponent lands his aviation right after the invasion and he deploys a low-hitpoint unit in the capital, you can destroy these units by raising Guerilla forces and then disclose your Secret Ally as described in section 5 above.
- If you have other forces outside this country, order them to destroy the enemy unit occupying the city and then at the end of this turn disclose your Secret Ally and place one of its units in the capital. This is a very effective and extremely demoralizing two-step operation.
- If there is no external reinforcement available, disclose the Secret Ally surrounding the city. On the next turn the defender can be destroyed, and the turn after that the city can be liberated. Don’t forget to place an Anti-Air unit close to the capital to block bombers – otherwise the enemy will be able to re-locate them on a Carrier or in the controlled capital within flight range. However, this method has substantial disadvantages: remember that the newly deployed Secret Army cannot move or fire - thus the forces will suffer causalities after deployment. Moreover, if the enemy breaks the blockade from outside, he’ll be able to bring in more troops to guard the city.
There is no ideal or universal army structure for all situations. All troop types are quite unique and have their own typical usage schemes. While thinking of which units to recruit, consider multiple factors:
Offensive or defensive operation? Naturally, high-speed units with powerful weapons are better for offensives, while more durable units are better for holding the ground defensively.
What units does the enemy have? Consider their range, speed and durability. For instance, the enemy keeps firing at you from a distance using an Annihilator hidden in woods. Purchase a Battle Platform and mount your Rocket Launcher on it, so that you gain movement advantage and will have a chance to fire first thus destroying the Annihilator.
On what terrain will the forthcoming battle take place? Is there room for maneuvering or are there narrow gorges, forests, impassible ridges and the like? Remember that tanks lose their movement advantage in desert, swamps and forest, while Mortars (Scorchers) with the same movement speed in such territory have greater range. Expensive Bullfrogs can be transported only by Naval Transports so it makes sense to place them close to shores for higher mobility.
Does the enemy have air support? Transports and Rocket Launchers are in grave danger whenever an enemy airbase is in range. Robust units with a lot of hit points should be sent to take care of the enemy air threat prior to exposing weaker, valuable units (if not covered by an Anti-Air Track or Pteroshield).
Next time do not miss the new portion of strategy tips on
transportation range of forces, and
hidden or obvious threats.