I am sooooo frustrated at games that get ended on 300% balance on what I want to call "Transport" invasion.
An opponent's ability to attack three (3) neutral countries in one turn and declare victory because he / she lauched a transport into each with a loaded unit and me not be able to raise guerilla is unacceptable to me.
What I describe is theoretical and probably not possible but it gets the point across. Is there not any way that the program can be constructed such that both sides must complete their turn before a victor is determined, such that the game can end only after:
1.) Both sides have completed their entire turn
(Guerrilla / Combat / Recruitment / Disclosure)
2.) The game therefore can only be called at the end of the FNU turn
3.) AND there is no "guerrilla trigger" to the PL player as a result of the FNU turn invading either a neutral or PL controlled territory.
If a participant fails to disclose, that's one thing, but to not be allowed to disclose guerilla just because it happened on move 6 instead of move 1, doesn't make sense.
Surely the above three tests can be readily applied. I'm begging you! Must I make a fool out of myself and become some kind of "Hyde Park Ranting Lunatic" standing on top of my soap box to find satisfaction? Ask my clan mates! They'll tell you what a nuisance I can be!
And yes, I have heard the objection about FNU refusing to make their move, thereby denying victory, but that is such a moot point considering that PL can finish the game when the time limit is reached.