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New star in M.A.N. 2 Universe! | 9 February 2009 |
 The sinister forces of Free Nation Union and Phantom League are already on their way to
Altaliman - the new planet of Massive Assault Network 2 Universe! And now it’s high time
for you to join the battle for Altaliman!
Download at: http://www.massiveassaultnetwork.com/download/man.2.0.255patch_en.exe
Altaliman is the 26th planet in the system of M.A.N. 2 Universe. The planetary mainland
occupies 30% of outer surface. The rest of Altaliman is covered with the acid-water ocean,
which is shallow one in the Southern hemisphere and highly abyss in its Northern part.
The Altaliman mainland is presented by several continents. The climate of the planet is mild and damp.
Fare thee well, Commander!