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NEW M.A.N. 2 AI LADY - LIZA13 September 2007, Inc. is pleased to present the new AI lady (which we've been testing intensively lately) in Massive Assault Network 2 universe. Hopefully this fascinating lady - named Liza - will be a highly amusing assistant to all M.A.N. 2 players. Actually, Liza is the final result of painstaking endeavors of M.A.N. 2 player, who strained every effort to present his work.

Addressing Liza from Chat, you get the support assistance basing on FAQ-section of the game (both in English and Russian). Besides, every player of Massive Assault Network 2 will certainly fall in love with Liza, as this intellectual lady is able to win the affection of everyone by her ingenious jokes. So how does she operate? If you need any in-game assistance - just enter the keyword corresponding to your question in any chat-channel. For instance, when you enter the word "Balance", Liza sorts out the necessary information from the whole FAQ-base and provides it in the form of chat-message.

Unfortunately, our queen-of-heart Liza is faceless at this moment, and we welcome our players to present your own vision of M.A.N. 2 online assistant! Thus within the next month every player may send us the picture of any beautiful lady to with mail subject "Liza's face". The development team will choose the best picture and the winning lady will become the new face of our lovely AI assistant.

So hurry up to make your girl-friend the brand-new face of M.A.N. 2 game!!!

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