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M.A.N.2 beta gets patched to v2.0.19723 March 2006

New Orleans, LA - March 23rd, 2006

Good news for strategy gamers: Massive Assault Network 2 beta gets patched to version 2.0.197

This patch adds several enhancements allowing deathmatches with more flexible settings against both live opponents and AI:

  • Players may set infinite turn limit now (yes, it has been finally added)
  • New chess-style game limit feature* being offered thus strictly determining entire duration of any single game.
* This limitation is taken from chess games, so player defines now ENTIRE amount of time for the battle on his end (from 1 to 4 weeks). The timer goes down when the turn is on player's side, therefore it's not an advantageous strategy anymore to delay turns. This style for battle limitation is supposed to be default for tournaments and clan war games in future; thus everyone knows for sure when the game comes to the end and has more motivation to make turns faster.

"My Profile" section has been enriched with new information bar that shows player's brief stats and displays his standing in global listing. Selecting any other player from global listing displays how far you are from this opponent and let immediately challenge the opponent by pressing F2 button.

Following improvements has been done:
  • New compression method has been applied to data transferred between player and game server, which resulted in more than 5 times speed increase.

  • Several memory leaks issues has been addressed which speed ups overall application performance

  • Multi-select is available now when accepting or rejecting both public and personal challenges Team will keep working on Massive Assault Network 2 moving the game forward to release build and constantly adding new features. Thank you helping us to get Massive Assault Network series more addictive!

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