Massive Assault

World Team Championship-2009 will starts in June.Rules.
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Author:  Le_Roy [ Sun May 10, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  World Team Championship-2009 will starts in June.Rules.

Common thesis.

All teams consist of 7 players (min 5) include 2 players from that country what presents.Must be pointed the captain of the team and the title.Before every round captain «places» his team-mates at the maps by claiming for moderator.
The matches between the teams consist of 5 battles between the players.At small and middle maps this is two games( for P.L. @ F.N.U.),at large – one.The players will have 1-4 games in the month.
Will be the usual tournament rules: extended unit set,10 turns of revenue,10 days chess-clock limit with 12 hours freeze.
For pre-registration You can name your team in this top.All questions send for or place here.Thanks!

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