Massive Assault

Newbie thoughts and questions
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Author:  Brewer [ Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Newbie thoughts and questions

I am new to wargaming, and this series in general. I think I'm addicted. ;) I've a few thoughts to share, some may be redundant from other threads, I apologize up front.

- In my phase of move/combat, I can move around the map easily enough, however the camara view changes between rounds. Is there a way for me to rotate the map orientation? I hope so, because I've found myself getting spatially confused after the trainers' turn because the view is upside down (relatively) from my planning view.

- I was initially confused in the lobby, I simply wanted to play a practice game against the AI, after the tutorial. It took me a bit to figure out the difference between 'create', and 'join'.

- I think the AI cheats. :D If I stay at 0% balance for 10+ turns, and exhaust my revenues, the AI didn't seem to slow down and army value rose steadily, even though there really wasn't much map movement.

- I would really like an offline training mode, that goes beyond the scope of the tutorial. If there is one, I haven't found it, aside from the offline mode toggle.

- On that note, Thankyou for the tutorial, I found it very helpful, and well implemented.

- I don't believe I experienced any 'game glitches'. The gameplay was smooth, aside from the random confusing rotating camera orientation, and ran at a reasonable pace for my middle of the road PC. [P4 2.8Ghz, 1024MB, ATI Radeon 9600 256MB]

- I had a hard time selecting units in/near capitals, especially if there are bombers, and even moreso if there was a loaded transport. Thankfully, I didn't turn off the 'You already fired/moved' dialogue warning. I think it's a matter of practice, and using the visuals. Is there a simple way to cancel a 'select' so I don't try to move by clicking on a target?

- I am very likely to purchase the lifetime membership come payday; greetings all!

- My first post was longer than I had intended, I'm usually wordy, but geez!


Author:  Tiger [ Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie thoughts and questions

Brewer wrote:
- In my phase of move/combat, I can move around the map easily enough, however the camara view changes between rounds. Is there a way for me to rotate the map orientation? I hope so, because I've found myself getting spatially confused after the trainers' turn because the view is upside down (relatively) from my planning view.

You can change position of camera by using hotkeys:
Home, End, Insert, Delete, PageUp, PageDown.

Author:  Brewer [ Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie thoughts and questions

Tiger wrote:
You can change position of camera by using hotkeys:
Home, End, Insert, Delete, PageUp, PageDown.

Aha! There is a way. I was using my scroll mouse for zooming in/out. I shall try those keys later today. Thanks for the response.


Author:  Enforcer [ Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:06 am ]
Post subject: 

middle mouse button changes the angle of view, mouse wheel zooms in/out

right mouse button deselects the current selected unit (or brings up info on the unit under the mouse, annoying that when u're just trying to deselect.)

As for training quite a few of the experienced players used todo mentoring games so quite a few of them would prob b willing to teach u thru a game. Give me a shout if u want and i'll do it.

Author:  Bokkie [ Thu Feb 16, 2006 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie thoughts and questions

Brewer wrote:
- I was initially confused in the lobby, I simply wanted to play a practice game against the AI, after the tutorial. It took me a bit to figure out the difference between 'create', and 'join'.

Same here. Now the lobby looks logicly for me, but for the first time it's really hard withouth any explination. This is mentioned before somewhere on this forum but I don't know if there are any plans regarding this.

Brewer wrote:
- I would really like an offline training mode, that goes beyond the scope of the tutorial. If there is one, I haven't found it, aside from the offline mode toggle.

There is non. This is one of the discussions still open.

Brewer wrote:
- I don't believe I experienced any 'game glitches'. The gameplay was smooth, aside from the random confusing rotating camera orientation, and ran at a reasonable pace for my middle of the road PC. [P4 2.8Ghz, 1024MB, ATI Radeon 9600 256MB]

Play a few hours.

Brewer wrote:
- I had a hard time selecting units in/near capitals, especially if there are bombers, and even moreso if there was a loaded transport. Thankfully, I didn't turn off the 'You already fired/moved' dialogue warning. I think it's a matter of practice, and using the visuals. Is there a simple way to cancel a 'select' so I don't try to move by clicking on a target?

Right click somewhere on a empty spot. (This can be anoying too when right clicking on a unit by accident, info about that unit comes up then.)
You will learn to move very fast, trust me on this :)
My first games took about 10 minutes to move troops even when having as good as no units :) Now the only slowdown is thinking.

Have fun playing, forget about games against AI for a while, go to the chat and try to find some nice person who wants to explain you the game (helped me, thanks to Pitor), and play play play :)

Author:  Quitch [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Now that the AI doesn't count for ranking, having it online only seems ridiculous.

Author:  Brewer [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie thoughts and questions

My comments, ideas, and suggestions are from the 'real noob' view. I'm hoping that its 1 type of feedback the admins/coders are looking for. I surfed in from an ad on gamespot. I'm totally hooked, and having fun. My most recent wargaming prior to MAN2 was a recompile of vms-empire a few years ago (heh, its STILL out there).

Bokkie wrote:
Brewer wrote:
- I was initially confused in the lobby, I simply wanted to play a practice game against the AI, after the tutorial. It took me a bit to figure out the difference between 'create', and 'join'.

Same here. Now the lobby looks logicly for me, but for the first time it's really hard withouth any explination. This is mentioned before somewhere on this forum but I don't know if there are any plans regarding this.

Yeah, I'm good with this now. I understand this is beta, and the finishing touches/doc may not be complete.

Bokkie wrote:
Brewer wrote:
- I don't believe I experienced any 'game glitches'. The gameplay was smooth, aside from the random confusing rotating camera orientation, and ran at a reasonable pace for my middle of the road PC. [P4 2.8Ghz, 1024MB, ATI Radeon 9600 256MB]

Play a few hours.

Yup, had my first crash yesterday, even got a really slick message, "Your game is hosed, please click the button on the left to send a report".

Bokkie wrote:
Have fun playing, forget about games against AI for a while, go to the chat and try to find some nice person who wants to explain you the game (helped me, thanks to Pitor), and play play play :)

I've played about 10 games or so, I'm getting better, and I almost won, til I saw the AI set me up. I couldn't do anything but laugh because I didn't see it coming until it was over.

This leads me to a question; Is there a way to transpose the hexes onto my view of the map. I can easily see the AI counting ranges for bombers, rocket launchers, etc by its placement/movement of units -- I'd sure like that ability. I spend alot of time guessing at them.

Thanks for the positive responses, gang.


Author:  Quitch [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Press Ctrl.

Author:  Brewer [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Quitch wrote:
Now that the AI doesn't count for ranking, having it online only seems ridiculous.

I like the aspect that I can guarantee I will sit down and dedicate 3-4 hours to a default game, and keep at it. Granted, I've not attempted to play against a real person yet, so I don't know if there are folks who like to setup with enough chips/beer and play start to finish.

Admittedly, I'm getting the itch to test what I've learned in a weeks time.


Author:  Quitch [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, but why do you need to log onto the server to do that? When it was for points it made sense to seperate that element from the client, but it no longer does.

Author:  Bokkie [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie thoughts and questions

Brewer wrote:
I surfed in from an ad on gamespot. I'm totally hooked, and having fun.

Haha excactly the same here! I bought the game as soon it was possible.

Brewer wrote:
This leads me to a question; Is there a way to transpose the hexes onto my view of the map.

Like Quitch said, press CTRL. Now pointing at a hex with your mouse, and then holding SHIFT will lett you see if that hex is dangerous or not, (Red circle = dangerous) for enemy attack. Beware that this DOESN'T count moving units, so you still have to do some counting yourself :) But DO count since it helps a lot !!

Author:  Brewer [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Quitch wrote:
Yes, but why do you need to log onto the server to do that? When it was for points it made sense to seperate that element from the client, but it no longer does.

Ah, I see what you mean. Good point, I agree from a player POV.

Geek mode [ON]: I wonder how much code that separation would cause to the download; i.e. if the AI runs locally already, I'd guess its not much.

Last question for awhile (one can hope!): I'm sure I'm not the first to ask about game commands (showing hexes, camera views, etc...). Is there a FAQ or doc published somewhere? I feel like I could look some of this stuff up myself. Not that the responses haven't been great, they have, but I usually like to at least try to find the answer, solve the puzzle on my own first.

Thanks again.

Author:  Aktins diet [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I full Heartly agree. It really pisses me off not knowing any useful buttons. >_<

Any chance Some pro's could list all the comands?
-Aktins Diet[/quote]

Author:  Bokkie [ Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

You know that there is a help commando? (F1)

This is straight out of the help file :

Left mouse button - select unit, move or fire, load into/unload from transports
Right mouse button - deselect unit or show information on unit (if not selected)

A, S, D, W, cursor keys - scroll map
PgUp, PgDown - zoom out, zoom in
Mouse wheel up/down - zoom out, zoom in
Ins, Del, Home, End - rotate camera
Mouse wheel (keep pressed) - rotate camera

Left Ctrl - show terrain cells
Left Shift (keep pressed) - mark enemy units which can attack the cell where the cursor is
Backspace or Ctrl+Z - Rewind (undo last action)
Spacebar - End Phase
N - show next unit which has not moved or/and fired yet

Esc - Menu
F1 - Help
F2 or Ctrl+S - Save Game
F3 or Ctrl+L - Load Game
Alt + Enter - toggle fullscreen
Enter - message to opponent in multiplayer game

I guess the save game things are for single play, if that will come into MAN2..

Author:  Quitch [ Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Note that N doesn't work while an animation is playing.

Author:  Brewer [ Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Quitch wrote:
Note that N doesn't work while an animation is playing.

In addition, ESC cancels animations. Not sure if its documented. I only watch them when its not my unit getting blown across the map. Animations seem to count against the time clock, which is why I pick and choose.


Author:  Rextrent [ Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybe this is simple and handy: Get familiar with lower left corner keyboard keys: SHIFT , CONTROL (shows hexes and potential victims but DONT rely on this-count hexes for yourself!) for basic strategic needs, which often means Counting Hexes to forecast opponent's possible moves to attack....w/o doing this , you will lose....due to loaded transports being hit,etc.
One of the trickiest, most crucial understandings is the water transport and the amphibians as well as land transports which travel upon it...resulting in a long-distance potential...(loaded WaterTransport w/amphibians moves 6 , plus the amphibian hops off to move three, which means if you are ten hexes away you are a target....)

Author:  Bokkie [ Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

What about a water transport unit loaded with a land transport unit and two amphi's.. 6 water, unload the land transport, move the amphi's from water transport into land transport, + 5 moves from land transport, and then unload the both amphi's good for yet one last movepoint..
12 hexes !

Author:  Rextrent [ Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bokkie wrote:
What about a water transport unit loaded with a land transport unit and two amphi's.. 6 water, unload the land transport, move the amphi's from water transport into land transport, + 5 moves from land transport, and then unload the both amphi's good for yet one last movepoint..
12 hexes !
This belongs down below, but I couldn't delete it! :o

Author:  Rextrent [ Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Per Bokkie's fine comments:
Truly this is crucial stuff for a player who wants to give it his/her best shot....and not give away the game for nothing.
It takes time to count hexes, but has to be done w/o error or the loaded transport will be a KILL....The killing of an expensively-loaded transport can easily tip the scales and cost the game... :wink:

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