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 Post subject: The Enemy Within
PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:24 am 
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A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

--Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C.

Now I write to all of you, that in war or in peace, the most dangerous enemy is a traitor. This is if not the most important strategy, then it is the second most important strategy in the real world. You must know who you can really trust.

I will append to this later.[/i]


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:50 am 
Sea Wolf
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You been listening to Michael Savage lately? :) Thats the title of his book.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:16 pm 
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:43 pm 
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This enemy has already penetrated our borders, because it was already here. This enemy is pushing for ultra-tolerance, reparations, open borders, supports the Muslim culture, destroys the bondage of marriage, and legislates from the Supreme Court bench.

Still guessing who the enemy is?

Guess what. They are back from the flower power 60's with a vengeance.
Now they are putting up any religion but Judaism and Christianity. They say that these religions are exclusive. Isn't the Muslim religion?
Still guessing who they are? Well I'll tell you. They are the Red Daiper Doper Baby liberals. They cry, "freedom, rights, I want my rights." Well how many more rights do the need in this nations. I'll tell you the same again. They won't stop till every moral barrier has been broken, till people have sex in the streets, and till crack is legal.

They won't stop untill this place is worse than Sodom and Gemorrah, and then some.

They have Supreme Court injustices who legislate from the bench when a law of theirs doesn't make it through Congress, they have their filthy ACLU lawyers who file a lawsuit even though the majority of the population doesn't want laws allowing the liberals to carry out their agendas. They are rotten to the core, if you see their true colors. They are the blind puppets of the Devil who uses them to corrupt the world.

Some material taken from "Michael Savage, The Enemy Within"

Go to and buy his New York Times bestseller, "The Enemy Within" to learn the truth about what is really is happening in America and to find out what you can do about it.
He is also on over 300 AM radio talk stations in America.

I live in Lake Worth, Florida.
here he is on AM 850 "Live 85" at 7pm-10pm weeknights.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:16 pm 
Sea Wolf
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I look forward to the closure and deletion of a topic that has no place here.

"Massive Assault is a game for those, who like to think. In this game random factor exists without doubt, but it doesn't play a decisive role." - Tiger

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:23 pm 
Sea Wolf
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Interesting that you bring this up on the Massive Assault forum, which has a worldwide audience. Though Michael Savage makes great points that could be applied worldwide in any democratic nation, he is primarily focused on what is going on in America today.

Also, Michael Savage is at the extreme end of the conservative spectrum, and considering the sentiment people currently have for Bush, who is conservative but not to that extreme, I doubt Savage would be highly regarded elsewhere.

Now don't get me wrong, I totally agree with Savage on many points, especially how to deal with terrorists, I listen to him almost every day, but there are some things he has to say that go off the deep end in my opinion.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:54 pm 
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Ah, Quitch. This is the Watercooler. I am allowed to speak my mind openly. Of course I know you are one of them. Of course you want to put down the free speech of anyone who doesn't believe in what you believe.

Why don't you liberals show more tolerance for Christians and conservatives. I thought diversity was something encouraged by the liberals. Apparently not, especially when it goes against their own personal beliefs.

You gotta ditch them.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Maelstrom. I listen to the Savage Nation too. When I first started listening, I thought some of his ideas were a bit extreme. Of course there needs to be an extremist bolting down the right side of the political spectrum as well.

I like him because he really tells the truth to me.
They really do give out condoms in school.
They seem to say, "out with the ten commandments and all that is good and right with the world."

The Bible supports Men in all leadership positions.
The liberals push to feminize everything
The Bible teaches about the dangers of homosexuality.
The liberals teach, "let it all hang out."

Its so sad that it makes me want to cry, but I won't turn my head ignorantly from the truth.


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Last edited by Strategos on Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:07 pm 
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Oh to talk about it more, you have Hollywood. Those guys seem to make many of the worst liberals out there. As Michael Savage calls them, "useful idiots" for the left. They are famous for acting and are well known, but they are liberals. So these fools put down President Bush and their own nation, but all they no how to do is look cool and act. I doubt anything they say is true. They can't even stay married for a month.

That said, ignore these fools, stop paying the ACLU, and choose to do something better.

Words of wisdom.
"Don't ask what your country can do for you today, because a toil today is a lesson tomorrow." "Or instead of asking what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Those are some of the things that made our country great: hard-working men and women.
We first came here to find freedom, but slowly and surely our freedom is slipping away again.
Will you help stop it?

And Quitch, why should you care? You are not a U.S. citizen.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:43 pm 
Sea Wolf
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The Watercooler is for MA and MA related matters. This is not a "Thoughts and Discussion" forum.

Why should I care? Why should I care what the people in the most powerful country in the world think? Oh gee, let's play "guess the motive" shall we? Another American said the same thing to me during the presidential elections... I was absolutely dumbfounded that the question even needed asking.

"Massive Assault is a game for those, who like to think. In this game random factor exists without doubt, but it doesn't play a decisive role." - Tiger

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 11:57 pm 
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Ahh the joys and sorrows of freedom.

It's kind of like a double edged sword... the freedom to do what we want when we want and where we want... and the sadness of letting things slip from one extremist point of view to another and back again.

I myself prefer to walk the middle ground with only slight jolts to one extreme or another.

For example, on Integrity and Honor and giving each other the deserved common courtesy of wishing everyone wellbeing I a strong believer, but on the other hand when it comes to one group demeaning and cutting down another I'm strongly against it.

I have more a personal point of view... What can I do today to better my livelihood without impeeding upon my neighbor's success.

That being said, I do feel that Quitch has a valid point though... This to me should go to a different forum that caters politics or world views or even the right and left wings of an american extremist... But not MA

As far as truth, that is a subject best left to historians and journalists as there have been many levels of truth from partially true to true to best of my knowledge, but never have I seen purer truth than Life or Death

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:10 pm 
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Whitehalk, everyone has to take sides. You cannot serve two masters. You will lean one way or the other on an issue, maybe without even knowing it, but by your actions, unless it truly has nothing whatsoever to do with you. Eventually, something will jolt you a bit harder than expected, like your freedom do exercise your religion. Maybe war may break out. You must be prepared, and your opinions count too. I believe to any American who loves their country and their freedom and democracy should vote. :x

Also, I say I support our troops and the war in Iraq so we can keep our freedom. These terrorists are trying to take away our freedom, and doing so by making us fear. Take Israel for example. You might not go exercise your freedom to go to a cafe near the Israeli-Pakistan border because a suicide-bomber might blow the shop up. Fear is the tool that communist nations use to keep their prisoners-I mean citizens in line.
That is what we fight.

Quitch, I don't know exactly how we matter to you other than maybe imports and exports, but I don't think we are in any conflict with England.
I do however wish that you would enlighten me. My mind would love to know. :-?

When I started this forum, I started it with a rage because I was reading in a book "The Enemy Within" about the direction of things happening in America. It really just made me angry. It makes me want to bust some heads. Even Michael Savage on his radio show admits that sometimes he has to walk off his steam, or he, too, wants to bust heads. :wink:

But don't worry, I did not come here to be enemies. I feel strongly polarized like many others do on this matter.

Heck, I have a friend who is diametrically opposed to me
He is a liberal, Pro-choice, evolutionist, Jew.
I am a conservative, creationist, fundamentalist Christian.
We get along just fine.


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 11:17 pm 
Sea Wolf
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Blah blah blah blah, last I checked, this board was for: A place for players and developers of MA to sound off on the game and (game)related matters

Never stop fighting.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 2:32 am 
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I agree. Go preach somewhere else. Fundamentalist religion really isn't interesting. If you post on a world-wide forum you can't, in the sake of decency, say things like "Other religions are evil. My political opponents are evil. I tell the TRUTH, so how can anyone disagree?"

Since you'll interpret this as me saying "I feel ashamed and wish to remain ignorant by ignoring your Beautiful Truth," I'll give you some reasons for disliking your views and hating your rhetorics.

This enemy has already penetrated our borders, because it was already here. This enemy is pushing for ultra-tolerance, reparations, open borders, supports the Muslim culture

This comment is bleedingly offensive when posted on a worldwide forum. Keep this kind of comments to yourself and your friends.

Guess what. They are back from the flower power 60's with a vengeance.
Now they are putting up any religion but Judaism and Christianity. They say that these religions are exclusive. Isn't the Muslim religion?
Still guessing who they are? Well I'll tell you. They are the Red Daiper Doper Baby liberals. They cry, "freedom, rights, I want my rights." Well how many more rights do the need in this nations. I'll tell you the same again. They won't stop till every moral barrier has been broken, till people have sex in the streets, and till crack is legal.

They won't stop untill this place is worse than Sodom and Gemorrah, and then some.

They have Supreme Court injustices who legislate from the bench when a law of theirs doesn't make it through Congress, they have their filthy ACLU lawyers who file a lawsuit even though the majority of the population doesn't want laws allowing the liberals to carry out their agendas. They are rotten to the core, if you see their true colors. They are the blind puppets of the Devil who uses them to corrupt the world.

Also, give your political enemies a little more credit than labeling them as "agents for the forces of evil, set only to destroy all that is Good". It's just a panic reaction when you find you can't discuss rationally with them.

Why don't you liberals show more tolerance for Christians and conservatives.

Ah... hah... Like I just said.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

What an easy and efficient way to disprove your opponents! Hey, I think I'll try that: Fundamentalism is a mental disorder. Homophobia is a mental disorder. Racism is a mental disorder. Bigotry is a mental disorder.

I like him because he really tells the truth to me.

Means: "I like him because I agree with him." To other people, his words are horrible lies and something else is the Truth. To other people again, his words are an interesting read, but they miss the truth.

They really do give out condoms in school.
They seem to say, "out with the ten commandments and all that is good and right with the world."

Which one? The 5 1/2 commandment "You shall not have protected sex"? We are so lucky to live in a time where one can engage in sexual activities without spreading disease or getting people unplanned pregnancies. This happened in older times, and therefore unmarrided sex was a sin. You people just haven't caught on yet.

The Bible supports Men in all leadership positions.
The liberals push to feminize everything

I have a hard time believing what I read here... I really can't reply honestly to this without using words unsuitable for a forum.

The Bible teaches about the dangers of homosexuality.

No, it doesn't. Your homophobic priests teaches about these "dangers." The only real dangers of homosexuality is being pestered by religious nuts until your ears bleed.

The liberals teach, "let it all hang out."

No, just the liberals you picked out because they were so easy to argue against.

Its so sad that it makes me want to cry, but I won't turn my head ignorantly from the truth.

Your post make my stomach crawl. And stop raping the word "truth". Ignorance comes from closing your mind, not where you're looking.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:40 am 

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nice post deestan !

i agree wholeheartedly with everything you had to say, just couldnt get the words right in my head to put down myself _b

Your post make my stomach crawl. And stop raping the word "truth". Ignorance comes from closing your mind, not where you're looking.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:56 am 
Sea Wolf
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I guess this is what happens when you have a bible belt, eh?

Come on everyone, let's leave the nut alone :)

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 6:24 am 
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Why do the two people who oppose me most not live in the United States of America?

I do understand that a small pocket of protesters is not the entire liberal population, and most people in the U.S.A. remain politically inactive, but it is what the media chooses to disclose to the public and the spin they put on it. What has crossed the American borders are illegal Mexican mommas who rape our medical systems, and the liberal influence, which I say is getting stronger. Now I also say that you can observe what happens in America over time and see how the media will put more nudity and seedy material and TV and watch things like beastiality and poligamy eventually made legal.

As for commandment 5.5, it is correct. Sex is for reproduction, and it feels good to encourage reproduction. It used to be, at one time that couples engaged in sex out of wedlock were stoned. Homosexuals, lesbians, and rebellious children too.

Unfortunately, I have to go to my classes now in this liberally infested school.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 6:49 am 
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(obediently leaving the nut alone)

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:04 am 
You really are a complete t**t.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:23 am 
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Strategos wrote:
When I started this forum, I started it with a rage because I was reading in a book "The Enemy Within" about the direction of things happening in America. It really just made me angry. It makes me want to bust some heads. Even Michael Savage on his radio show admits that sometimes he has to walk off his steam, or he, too, wants to bust heads. :wink:

Strategos wrote:
Why do the two people who oppose me most not live in the United States of America?

Trust me when I say there are more people that oppose your posting of this material on here. Many of which, including myself, do live in the USA.

But going back to your first reason for starting this debate, if you had such a rage from reading this book and listening to this one person who can sit and critique all the "bad" things in America, why don't you do something about it. Channel that rage into usefull petitions and documentation and research. Present it to your political or even media representative bodies and broadcast it to the american public where it really "matters". Don't sound off or blast away on this forum though as most of your message will fall on deaf ears. Especially given the fact that this is a global forum and your message is falling upon an audience that can neither help nor hurt your cause.

Are not all people to be treated equally and doesn't everyone deserve the right to strive for happiness? If speaking your mind on these subjects makes you happy, then go ahead and speak them, just not here. To continue on here would just encrouch upon others rights for happiness.

Remeber that rage you spoke of and how the words of "truth" effected you? Try putting yourself in the shoes of those whom you oppose, your reiteration of Mr Savage's views could be fueling someone else's rage now.

Anyway, my point is I and several others visit these forums to speak about and find information relating to MA, MAN, and Gaming in general. We don't bring in our political, social, religious, etc. beliefs and views into this as it has no real benefit here. The only reason more Americans don't speak up is because they are better disciplined in the art of ignoring your post. Afterall, we hear this day in and day out on Radio, TV, and other related forums.

Of course if the other channels mentioned can't satisfy your rage.. Play a first person shooter in god mode, or get yourself a punching bag :wink:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:48 am 
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I do not have a way to reach the people around me except the way I broadcast my ideals. I think the media is strongly controlled by the liberals. It is the extreme lefties that are the ones who want to legalize perverse said (above) things. As for standing in their shoes, "If the effect, what matters the cause?" The liberals are heading down the road of good intentions, but they are walking blindly towards disaster. :-?

I have mounted for myself and extreme conservative view so I have an anchor from which I can establish absolute values (found in the Bible).
Or, better yet, it is because of these absolute values from the Bible, that is why I am so conservative. :x

I am going to retire from this forum because nobody will change. Once you've grown into a way of life, you stay that way. :cry:


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