Massive Assault

Please, watch my replay and tell about possible future
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Author:  lavrus [ Sun Sep 26, 2004 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Please, watch my replay and tell about possible future

I thought i`ve already lost but now i see some perspective.
If you can, post your minds about possible turns and maybe my mistakes. Thanks A lot!

39112-НР-LavRus-Wolf-17.rep [94.95 KiB]
Downloaded 2038 times

Author:  Artanis [ Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think you're winning this game.

Each of you has 1 1/2 continent, but you have a LOT more troops on the southern continent, and you have a lot more boats, making it easier for you to cut his supply lines than it is for him to cut yours.

I'll PM you more detailed commentary once I finish posting this.

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