Well, I finally got around to watching it to critique (as opposed to "for fun"), and here's a few things that I noticed:
Tiger kept trying to muscle his way through the stalemate in the center. More artillery and less tanks would've helped there. If he had sent his tanks into Moscowgradia and his Mortars to the Rogeria-Campburgia border, the differences in range and speed may have made the difference.
You're right, Quitch, in that an assault along the southern coast would have opened up another front. I would have gone south and just picked up a couple bombers to take out the tower in Faji. Of course, knowing my luck, that would have backfired horribly
For some reason, Tiger didn't use bombers. A bomber or two could have come in handy against Annihilators and wounded Ostriches.
Now, all of these may have very good reasons behind them and simply didn't turn out as planned, but what has me really scratching my head is why Tiger invaded Pantherberg with the guerillas from Moscowgradia. His reinforcements were too slow to kick yours out before those LAVs were destroyed, especially with another red country right next door. Instead, it gave you an Annihilator which dealt a LOT of damage to his forces.